Fantastic Flaxseed

Image  I’m always looking for easy changes that people can make to their diets that will give big health benefits.  One of the foods I encourage people to eat regularly is flaxseed (linseed).  I do a lot of fertility work and hormone balancing work with clients and the humble linseed  really packs a punch when it comes to balancing oestrogen in the body.  Linseed is very high in a substance called lignin which binds to oestrogen receptors and interferes with the cancer -promoting effects of oestrogen on breast tissue.  They also help to balance oestrogen levels in oestrogen-dominant conditions like PMS, PCOS and endometrosis.

As well as all of this, linseed is very high in omega 3 so it’s very beneficial for  reducing cholesterol and is also fantastic for prostate health.

Linseed has a hard shell and it’s pretty hard to chew because it’s so small, so it’s a good idea to grind it up before adding it to food so that you can easily absorb all of it’s nutrients.  I use a small coffee grinder or a mortar & pestle to do this.  Ideally, grind it fresh but doing three day’s worth at a time is fine too as long as you store the ground seeds in the fridge in an airtight container.

This superfood is so easy to include in your diet.  Have a tablespoon daily. Add it to cereals, soups, salads, smoothies or cooked rice.  I particularly like it mixed through yoghurt or sprinkled on top of a fruit salad that is topped with natural yoghurt.

One small change, lots of big benefits.  Enjoy!

About nutritionworksireland

I'm a nutritional therapist fascinated by the positive effect that diet can have on health. I also believe that we should really enjoy the foods that we eat so I'm constantly seeking out foods and recipes that tempt the tastebuds and at the same time add valuable nutrients to our diets. For me though, good health is about more than just eating well. It's about feeling good about your life, managing stress, exercising and finding the things in life that make you tick. Good health is about preventing illness and allowing the body to heal itself. A good diet is fundamental to this but a holistic approach is necessary.
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